Originally Posted by sgtlethargic
What on Earth?
Yes, on Earth.
800,000 years ago CO2 concentration reached a historic low of about 180 ppm which is just barely enough to support plant life. By some miracle, the earth warmed, glaciers retreated, and CO2 concentration rose to 280 ppm. Still not a great level for plant growth, but not as close to the brink of oblivion as before.
At 400 ppm, we're beginning to see global greening. A more ideal concentration might be double that.
Originally Posted by sgtlethargic
It seems that the contrarians are the religious ones.
Which are the contrarians? Doesn't matter, because you're absolutely correct, as I stated that humanity is constituted for religion. I merely pointed out that coercing others to practice a particular flavor tends to leave a bad taste in others mouths.