Forget the kilotank, let's do the 3 kilo tank with a trailer
I've been using my volt for everything since since I've moved out, no other cars to work with. Meaning that it'll do commuting, charge at work, and then run errands. on good months, I'm looking at 90% EV miles. Meaning that I can stretch a tank of gas 3000 miles or until I have to drive halfway across the state. Gas is 9-12 cents a mile here, off peak electric is 1.5-2.5 cents per mile.
Instead of buying another car for towing, I just tossed/am tossing a hitch onto my volt and tossed a portable AC unit into my garage so I could work on the car in the summer. (Yes, I know this is rather excessive, but I can either pay the heat tax on my electric bill or I can pay it with my health-- kilowatts are cheaper).
An added bonus of having a PHEV? The garage has never seen a drop of gasoline burnt in it the whole time I've been at this house.