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Old 06-22-2023, 02:09 AM   #94 (permalink)
Not Doug
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It was the longest day of the year. What did you accomplish? :)

I asked an attorney on JustAnswer how to bail on Progresso, reported some spam, made up a session from yesterday, pulled a couple of weeds, and tried to restore the dirt that had been bound around one weed's roots.

One weed came out without much dirt at all.
Another broke at the surface level.
The first one came out with a giant clod of dirt that didn't shake free!

I also drilled dozens of holes in a bald spot in the lawn right next to the patio (and those weeds), poured grass seed all over, and watered twice.

I don't know for how long the grass seed has sat on the patio, so I don't expect much, if anything.

The landlord sent the lease, which is 35 pages!
Every single page is upside-down and crooked!

When I rotated the pages so I could sign them electronically I also tried to straighten the pages, but four pages came from an outside source, so I downloaded it and replaced those pages.

One had the old office address crossed out and the new address scribbled in.
I used OCR on the page, replaced the address (and scribbles) with the address from the site, formatted it, and inserted that in the document.

I completed 19 pages before I needed to get gas and see my client.

I replaced the nuts in the portable garage, tried to tighten the cover, pounded in the dirt around the first earth stake, drilled a second hole, and needed to dig up soil from the compost pile to fill in the hole.

Where did the dirt go?!

I figured there must be some kind of auger I could attach to my drill.

Maybe for planting bulbs?

Behold, the bulb auger!

It dug a couple of inches, I switched to my drill, and it didn't do much better, so I started pouring water in there, working on something else, and returning later.

I don't know if I hit a rock, root, or what, but it stopped digging, so I kept adding water, and wiggling the auger around.

I finally thought that I had it deep enough, but I feel unsure now.

I used a hammer to pound in the backfill, after stepping on it.

I think that I need to bring out my digging bar.

That thing is heavy!

I put in the first one and tried to pack the dirt around it yesterday and the auger was pretty loose today.

The wind [or Mom!] had moved the portable garage about 3', so I tried to bring it back, and line it up.

You are supposed to use little steel cables in clear sleeves to tie the anchors to the legs.

I think that something like a pipe clamp would be vastly better.

How do you tighten these stupid cables?!

I just got it as tight as I could with one hand and used an 8mm socket in my cordless screwdriver to tighten it.

I think the best way would be to use a good zip tie, attach the cable to the zip tie with cheap zip ties, and then tighten the cable.

I also made a quick dinner.

Mom didn't finish second dinner until 2030.

I had wanted to stop at Safeway for some ultra-filtered milk and a protein bar before getting gas, but I didn't have the time and was still running late.

When I approached the intersection leaving town there was a green light, but red arrow, and I was turning left.

I wanted to go straight, turn around, and make a right, but I decided to be patient.

We didn't get a green arrow!

I swear that was the first time in over 5 years that I did not receive a turn arrow and there were many of us in the 2 turn lanes!

There was only one vehicle next to me, so I went straight and turned around after all.

I don't think they got a green arrow on the next cycle, either. I drove 10 miles at the speed limit before anyone passed me--someone driving 80 in an Audi.

It is 14.6 miles from that intersection until the speed limit drops below 55 and that was the only vehicle to pass me.

It was uncanny!

The Show Low Family Dollar carries ultra-filtered milk, so I decided to stop at the new Family Dollar in Snowflake, which was on my way, and see if they had ultra-filtered milk and protein bars, but they didn't have either!

So, I went to Walmart, which was on the wrong side of the road, so my quick snack took longer.

I really didn't need to sit and eat in my car, but all that I had eaten all day was half a burger!

Then I needed to wait at the light, run into Basha's, get an ad for Mom, and then finally drive home, so that wasted precious daylight.

It really doesn't feel like I did much today, but I sure tried!
Attached Thumbnails
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Name:	Bulb auger.jpg
Views:	42
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ID:	33905  
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4

Last edited by Xist; 06-22-2023 at 02:21 AM..
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