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Old 06-23-2023, 12:50 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
For me it still sounds more reasonable than relying on coal-fed powerplants to recharge the batteries of a gigantic electric SUV just to go pick a bag of groceries.
My primary issue with US facing certain EVs is the cost, materials, waste aspects.

An EV should be small, light, thrifty.

My c-car is that way, focusing on semis and hummers is not only very expensive but also wastes a finite resource that could go in to make 10 or more small EVs, PHEVs or many more hybrids

If we had much larger supplies of batteries have at her it’s just at this point we have limited capacity that could be used more wisely

However that goes against capitalism freedom, Blergle brergle

Unfortunate it’s so difficult to sell a small cheap vehicle like an Aptera or “insert failure to launch here”
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