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Old 08-09-2023, 08:59 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Why not step up and get a real computer? I like the Mini -- no camera or microphone unless one is plugged in.
Yes, let me bring in a mini each day to record lectures.

I will plug a big and fancy microphone into it!
Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
I tried to force myself to use Siri, and gave up. It's been a few years so maybe I should try it again. At the time, I feel like it would get maybe 10% of my dictation wrong.
I have been amazed when my sister does text-to-speak with her iPhone. It gets a few things wrong, but she can tell it to correct it, and then tell it to send.

I dictate on my Samsung and it is hit-or-miss.

I feel that it is more distracting than texting and I am unsure that I can currently have it read my messages out loud, but maybe I finally made that work.

The last few times I tried it said it didn't have permission.

I said "I give you permission!"

Of course, it wasn't that easy.

If I told it to correct anything it would write out my instructions.

It usually writes out the specified punctuation instead of actually inserting it.
All that said, I can type at least as fast as I can think. If I'm not thinking, I can type much faster. The correct tool for efficiently writing is a keyboard.
When I bought my first laptop, two professors told me to put it away, and in 2006 I was just writing notes.

One professor ranted about politics that had nothing to do with Mexican literature from the 1900s, so I typed up the materials she gave us, which were scans of stories that had been photocopied far too many times.

However, I brought my laptop to physics, and immediately gave up.

A notepad and pencil were the correct tools.
Tell me more about that diagnosis, as that's something I've been threatening to address too. I'm quite pessimistic much can be done, as fundamentally rewiring a 40 year old brain is no simple matter, but perhaps there are strategies to leverage the positive aspects of my attention.

Everyone told me [condescendingly]"They don't accommodate for ADHD in grad school! They don't provide notetakers!"
Their website says they totally accommodate, including providing notetakers, I just need a current evaluation.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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