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Old 08-24-2023, 01:49 AM   #733 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by Isaac Zachary View Post
It's only a matter of time for when the Nissan Versa will be axed.
Either this, or Nissan will keep the Versa stateside as long as it makes sense to keep bringing it from Mexico where it's unlikely to be phased out so soon.

Personally I'm depressed about the situation. I don't care what people say anymore. I no longer trust clunkers. I no longer trust used cars. I no longer trust nor can afford semi-used cars. And I sure don't have the money for a new car!
And then, when I say a small motorcycle with a side-car is the real new Beetle, and did the math while talking with a friend (considering a 250cc which would still be OK to ride at Brazilian highways where a 125cc would be too sluggish), folks think I'm drunk
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