A few updates.
July stats: 1095 miles and 4.5 miles / kWh
I switched back to summer tires on 20-July because the tread on the winter tires hit the wear bars. Mileage dropped from the 4.8 mile/kWh I had been seeing with the winter tires to 4.0 miles / kWh with the Michelin performance summer tires.
I bought a 220V circuit splitter so I can share the dedicated circuit that goes to my dryer with my Level 2 charger
A few months back I replaced my gas hot water heater with a 220V heat pump water heater. That required me to disconnect my WallBox Level 2 charger and go back to the 110V charger that came with the car as my 200 amp box has 195 amps of breakers. That wasn't a problem while I had free DC charging at work but about a month ago my employer decided to put a paywall on our DC chargers. It is a reasonable $0.15 per kWh but charging while I sleep is still a lot less hassle than taking the car to charge and then remembering to go move it 90 minutes later. A Level 2 charger at home also gives me more options to use the car on the weekends as I can fully charge it in about 10 hours instead of 44 hours on Level
So I bought a NeoCharge 220V splitter. It was $300 so a LOT cheaper than adding another breaker box and service to my home. Dryer plugs into one side and the charger into the other. The dryer is primary so if the car is charging when the dryer starts the splitter cuts power to EV until the dryer cycle is finished and then switches back. It also has a handy app to show kWh usage for each device. So far it works well
Which brings me to my last topic.
I'm going to switch from a flat electrical rate to time-of-use billing. PGE charges $0.135 per kWh on the basic flat rate. Time of use is $0.0743 off peak (9pm - 7am), $0.119 mid-peak (7am - 5pm), and $0.328 on-peak (5pm - 9pm) PGE says I would save about 5% on time-of-use billing based on the last 12 months. However, about 1/3 of my electrical use is charging the car and I have been charging on-peak, just plugging in when I get home. Shifting that 3000 kWh from flat rate to off-peak will save about $180 a year alone.