Originally Posted by Paulbstockton6@hotmail.co
J-C-C and Oil Pan 4,
I'm sure you missed the point of Eximo. You sprinkle it on, sweep it in, and let Eximo do its work. Simple. .
Then I believe you surely missed my point, let me quote my opening comment;
I would think the enzyme solution would be most effective, requires time and likely reapplication. Left over minute amounts of previous cleaners might unintentionally thwart that process."
Referring to left over previous cleaners deep soaked into the concrete, I suspect used strong cleaners might remain at the oil/stain interface and negate or handicap an enzyme cleaner getting past said cleaner, like chorine for example.
I did make a lame assumption here, my bad. in anyone would be foolish and/or arrogant enough to use a highly flammable solvent
indoors, especially at their house, and then ignite it.