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Old 09-09-2023, 10:59 AM   #62 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
What's racist is assuming Greg, Todd, Brad, and Neil are white.

To reiterate my prior position, we have the natural right to discriminate for any reason at all, without even being compelled to disclose the reason, with exception to government related functions. We naturally discriminate in absolutely every decision no matter what it is, and no law is going to change that. I've been denied jobs and housing because of a label that has been assigned to me, and I have never complained at all. Refusing excellence is your choice.
Downplaying the problem and then blaming the victim isn't very noble.

Last week I met a family that has litterally gone without food, housing and of course luxuries like transportation and have lost three children to death. Guess what skin color? Also an elderly widow that hasn't been able to get a job for over a year and so far isn't getting any help from the government after applying many times. Guess what skin color?

Why don't we set up a meeting between you and them so you can give them your spiel on how they've refused excellence.
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