Thread: 60mpg Smart Cdi
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Old 09-12-2023, 08:30 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
An excessive compromise is what makes me consider the Smart either just as a technical curiosity or a viable engine donor for some project...
The engine donor part could be interesting. I remember many years ago in a magazine seeing a Lotus Europa that someone had swapped the drivetrain from a Smart Roadster into. I do wonder whether some kind of kit car with the Cdi's drivetrain might be fun. This engine in something lower and more aerodynamic would be off to a pretty good start for both driving characteristics and economy.

Edit: Incidentally, I filled up the other day, and that most recent tank with the "91mpg" run ended up being an 80mpg imperial / 66.7mpg US / 3.5 litres/100km tank in the end. Second best I've done in this car.
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