While I don't subscribe to the catastrophist take on global warming, I do hear reasonable concerns with regard to scarcity (especially energy) causing everything to become more expensive. Naturally, we mine all the low hanging fruit first, and further mining produces decreasing minerals for increasing expenditures of energy.
This guest predicts a contraction of energy (which is the same thing as wealth) in the not distant future. He believes people will sort themselves into 4 categories:
1. Cornucopians - Technology will solve problems
2. Vikings - Take what you can from others
3. Preppers - Leverage available resources and cope with intermittent power, grow own food
4. Arcadians - Looks forward hundreds of years to develop sustainability on those time scales
He believes harmony between Preppers and Arcadians is what's necessary. I probably identify as a combination of Cornucopian and Prepper.