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Old 09-15-2023, 02:01 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Sep 2023
Location: Washington
Posts: 5

My Metro - '91 Geo Metro LSi
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Greetings from a Metro Manumatic, and its owner!

Hello guys! For those of you who aren't on where I've been posting for the last 4 months, I'm Jordan, a 19 year old who recently graduated from my local Automotive Technology school, and who sits on a fair few ASE certs. Unlike most of my classmates who owned BMWs, S10s, silverados, etc., I'm an engineer and I find more fun in making my cars efficient rather than heart-stoppingly fast (but that can be fun too.) I bought a Geo Metro in April, and here's what I've done to it so far:

-Changed the oil as soon as I got it, it was black
-Adjusted the throttle stop screw so it idles correctly
-Replaced the battery
-Replaced the timing belt
-Took out the crap air system and installed the stock one
-Changed out the valve cover for the updated design
-Unplugged the solenoids in the transmission to make
it an Automatic Manual; D is 3rd gear
-Replaced the trunk lifters and re-added the trunk latch
-Added SynLube oil & filter magnets
-Changed trans fluid for LubeGuard, and most of it
-Fixed turn signals by replacing fusebox

These things are all great, and don't get me wrong, I like a working car (which my 1991 LSi auto Vert was definitely not when I got it) but I've not really been able to move onto the "fun" stuff of making it get more MPG. It really matters now, too: unlike when I bought the car, I'm now attending a semester at a college 90 miles away from my home, which I go to on weekends, so right now I'm having to fill up a tank per week. itself is great and needed for the baseline of making sure these old cars run right, but there's not been much MPG discussion as of late.

You can probably guess why I'm on this forum now. Many efficient things are to come!


Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	synlube oil filter.jpg
Views:	21
Size:	32.9 KB
ID:	34174   Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20230822_143544.jpg
Views:	26
Size:	67.3 KB
ID:	34175  
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