Apparently, Realtek makes garbage wifi cards and HP should always use Intel, but presumably, they're more expensive.
I don't remember why I chose an AMD processor, but I have chosen them in the past because they come with discrete graphics, not garbage on-board video, like Intel.
Maybe Intel machines come with better Wi-Fi cards.
I just know that I have needed to reboot my laptop many times, since it was new, just because wireless disappeared.
I felt stunned when my laptop lasted the 4 hours of orientation without charging, but when I didn't use it over fall break, the battery discharged completely.
From what I can tell, the capacity is down 30%, but if it still lasts 4 hours, I am not complaining.
However, if I open it to replace the Wi-Fi adapter, I might as well replace the battery, right?
I bought an extended warranty, which runs out next month, and I doubt that HP would do anything useful.
Just out of curiosity, I went to see what was available, although since we are still long ahead of Black Friday, I probably should have seen what Costco has.
This is the first one that I found on SlickDeals:
HP EliteBook 860 16 inch G10 Notebook
Why 16"?!
The other option is 14!
It is $1,304 off, so I can't afford not to buy it!
Google Bard says that the processor is 46% faster than this one.
Two aspects of my laptop are mildly inconvenient, so I am not racking up predatory debt until I actually worry about reliability, but a $2,000 laptop being 46% faster than an almost-3-year-old $800 one doesn't impress me.