My other sister's step-son wrecked his car and got sued.
My brother-in-law gave him my sister's Lexus.
I go back and forth on what the correct course of action would be if and when I develop time travel.
Should I try to save my ex and if so, how?
I have to try, right?
It just seemed like she continually felt frustrated that nothing went the way she wanted.
You might say the same of me, well, whatever, if I could go back to 2000, I would go back to 2000.
The fun thing is that my professors told me to find out why there aren't more male SLPs, I found a group of male SLPs, and I felt surprised with how many were actively trying to leave the profession, partially because they want better pay.
I just saw a post about how SLPs complain they cannot make $100,000, but she she earned that much her first year.
She was just working 50-60 hours a week.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4