Originally Posted by freebeard
So that's 20,286 electricians, a year, out of a population 336,000,000 citizens.
406- trainees per year, per each state of the republic.
Obviously 'impossible.'
In 1976, during a college field trip, I visited a local manufacturing facility which used computer-aided machining.
If anything went 'wrong' with the equipment, the operator dialed the phone number of the milling machine manufacturer back east. The computer on the other end of the line diagnosed the problem, and sent a message, instructing the operator to change out a particular plug-in circuit board ( of which the factory held in inventory ) to bring the machine back online.
The 'multimillion dollar' mill was back in service within minutes, and never required anyone with more than a high school education to 'fix' it.
In the present day of 'over-the-air' updates 'n such, I don't see a problem.