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Old 10-17-2023, 09:20 AM   #164 (permalink)
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I was finally rediagnosed with ADHD and my bifocals arrived

Woah woah woah, two updates in less than a week?!

I don't have the time for this!

Oh, I waste tons of time most days, I just waste it elsewhere, probably getting distracted while trying to find my e-mail, because every couple of hours, it not only logs me out, but sends me back to the school page, so when I look for gmail, I go through oh my goodness!

Why do I have so many browser windows?!

My classmates insist that I have so many tabs open because I am old.

I have ADHD--it's official [again].

I still don't know the qualifications of whoever diagnosed me at the VA after a short conversation, but this was a nurse practitioner!

That is the minimum qualification to diagnose me, which isn't great, but we talked for an hour, and I couldn't stay on topic.

Then he told me to schedule the actual test.
"I can't just take it now?"
"No, you need to schedule it."
"Can I schedule it for now?"
"No, the best we can do is 2 weeks for now."
I really felt like saying "I need to revisit the part where he asked if I wanted to harm anyone."
So, I came back, and took the test, which was totally different than any of the ADHD tests that I took before, and I hated it.
One was on paper and one was on a then-old computer.
I figured that whatever computerized test this was would be at my own speed, so I would finish it super fast, but it was 20 minutes of flashing shapes, and I was supposed to click when it was the same shape twice in a row.
So, I would think, for example, "Red circle. What, what?" because I already forgot it.
Then I didn't have any idea if the next shape was a match because I already forgot the shape from 2 seconds before, even after thinking its name.

Somehow, I did well on attention and impulsivity.
Is that because nobody can maintain attention when a computer shows 600 red and blue circles and squares in 20 minutes?
However, I scored a 4.6 on activity, and the passing is 0-1.
I don't have any idea what the scale is.
It was the QBTest and when I tried to look up its scale, I just found vague definitions of the test itself.

So, I ordered progressive bifocals through Zenni because they charged a fraction as much as everyone else, but it took weeks for them to arrive from China.
I didn't even have a tracking number!
I opened the packaging at the mailbox and donned them immediately.
I wasn't sure that it was safe to walk back across the street!
I had great and wonderful plans for Friday the 13th and to make the weekend special, and since I had dated Miss Hiker for 3 months, but I couldn't focus enough to do my schoolwork ahead of time, so I did that until 1900.
I hoped to still meet up with her, but by the time I got a hold of her, it was already 2000.
Mom often asks if I am bringing Miss Hiker for dinner.
Miss Hiker is vegetarian and Mom demanded that I took her grocery shopping.
Miss Hiker was already in bed, but was perfectly willing to go grocery shopping with us, but despite Mom loving talking to anyone but me, she was absolutely intolerant of having a lovely lady help her find stuff.
I asked Mom what we were having for dinner.
"What about dinner?"
"Come on! Something vegetarian!"
She didn't have an answer, so I went through a list--I was talking about bifocals, wasn't I?
I went through 75 vegetarian recipes before Mom agreed to taco bowls.
Why bowls?
I don't know, but Mom told me to buy one box of 12, 5 were too broken to use, and a grand total of 3 were intact, but I am pretty sure that if you want to make tacos, you want to make your own shells.
Vegetarian tacos? So, beans, cheese, and lettuce?
Well, cheese, but while my brother-in-law expected Mexican cheddar, this was queso fresco, which Google says tastes like goat cheese.
Of course.
Goat cheese tacos.
Why not?
Then red cabbage and tofu because lettuce has a neutral flavor and why not add a slimy texture?!
Apparently, Mom agreed to add all of the ingredients to her shopping list, but lied about some of them, and when I didn’t feel impressed, I asked if they were better than grilled cheese sandwiches and they said that they were more fun to make.
I swear that it took 90 minutes to make freaking tacos, nobody said "These are freaking good!" and three of us helped, but Miss Hiker laughed when she mentioned how Mom tried to help because it sure sounded like hindering.
It felt like hindering, too!
The store is close, but when I drove Mom, I kept trying to figure out how to look out of my new glasses so that everything was actually in-focus, and she kept screaming that it wasn’t safe for me to drive.
Was she waking up my sister to drive her?
No, just screaming while I drove.
How does that make anything safer?!
When I drove Miss Hiker home Sunday night, I realized that my left lens is great, but my right one is blurry.
Zenni says that if you don't adjust to your glasses in 2 weeks, see an optometrist. So, if I go into the shop that gave me my prescription, ask "Will you please check the prescription on these glasses I didn't buy from you?" and they say it is wrong, supposedly Zenni will replace the lens.
So, wait a couple of weeks for the glasses, wait 2 weeks to see if my eye magically adjusts, go into a shop where I did not buy these glasses and have them check information, and then tell Zenni that they need to replace the lens, which will take weeks to arrive?
I asked about this on Imgur and was downvoted to oblivion, but someone pointed out that there are apps which are supposed to be able to determine your prescription, but they only work for single-vision glasses.
I guess that this is yet another thing that I need to do Thursday morning because I go straight from clinicals to classes.
I went to bed early because I was tired, but woke up after 5 hours, and couldn’t get back to sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking of depressing things, but the nurse practitioner says that I don’t have clinical depression, my life just sucks.
Somehow this took me 90 minutes to write, but I kept starting stories and then erasing them.
"Oh if you use math, reason, and logic you will be hated."--OilPan4
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