I earned an 80 on the first one, but finished first, an 88.75 on the second, and was about the eight of 34 to finish, and we had our brain anatomy lab midterm on Thursday.
I studied in my car for half an hour and the professor had us get in line.
She let in one student every minute and since I studied in my car, I was one of the last one to get in, but even though we went around to a different station every minute, I finished before ladies who entered before me.
I don't have my score yet, but I feel pretty confident that I earned a B.
I don't even remember for which class we had the first midterm, just which professor it was, but I had just finished assignments that were due and I think that I had an hour to study, which was barely adequate.
The second test was open-book and I should have prepared more intelligently.
I honestly tried for the lab and I had a whole day.
I didn't even have clinicals that morning.
Oh hey, I woke up with a charlie horse 10 days ago and at 2 with a horrible pain in my knee on Tuesday.
I still don't have ADHD documentation for my school and I ran out of medications last Sunday, although the VA just mailed me some more.
Six-day lapses after the first 14 days are great, right?
We also had an assignment due Thursday afternoon, before the midterm, and I didn't even remember, but had I remembered, I think that I would have sacrificed one point on an assignment to improve my chances of passing a midterm.
That was annoying because I was supposed to make a long-term goal and four short-term objectives for a four-year-old who doesn't produce final consonants, k or g, and is only 60% intelligible.
The thing is, 10 SLPs could measure someone's intelligibility and come up with completely different numbers, so it is subjective.
I asked on Discord for ideas of a fourth goal since intelligibility is subjective and I had an angry mob of women arguing against things I never wrote, while completely ignoring what I actually wrote.
I replied "Doesn't matter, already submitted" when I returned with a question for another assignment.
They ranted about things only tenuously-related to that, too!
I finished everything due Saturday in the afternoon and started working on assignments due Sunday night.
I spent an entire day working on the main part of one, a tool to screen early elementary kids for language delays or disorders.
There were times when I simply didn't know how to do something and couldn't find anything useful on-line.
I called a teacher I knew for help coming up with a rubric and she just wasted over 20 minutes of my time.
The main difficulty seemed to be coming up with license-free clipart, which I still needed to cite?

No Willie, no I don't.
I finally tracked down Freepik.com, the site that I used before, which has a bunch of free A.I.-generated art, which is a bit creepy, but free, and when that failed, I used Imgur's @BotDrawA to draw I guess just the mop.

I finally loaded a picture of a dry-erase marker from a Chinese site and digitally removed the logo, but I got pictures of common objects, and when I finished, I made Mom answer questions in the manner of a 6-year-old.
She was surprisingly cooperative!
The professor gave us a form to use, but it was a PDF that we couldn't edit, so I copied it, pasted it into Word, formatted it, and filled in everything.
Then we were supposed to write a report based on another PDF, but I didn't have the time to format it much, so it looks super plain, but I submitted everything with a minute or two to spare.
I remind you, I started working on this Saturday evening, and I pretty much spent all day today today on it.
The professor gave us sample screeners for preschool, elementary, junior, and high school, so mine needed to be something like the first two, right?
It just seemed weird because when I say "Look at these common objects," I provide pictures, but the samples didn't.
I asked my classmates if they included pictures and they didn't respond.
It is Sunday, but we had deadlines.
It is still kind of weird that nobody messaged today.
Of course, I have heard that there is a fun WhatsApp group chat, and I don't participate in it.
I really wanted to see Miss Hiker this weekend.
She isn't feeling well, but I am sure that she would enjoy the company.
I needed to run to Winco and the tuning fork store for a group assignment and I looked at their flowers, but Winco really doesn't seem like a good place to look at flowers, and I don't know where I would have fit an hour trip just to drop off them.
Rest well and dream of large women.