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Old 11-28-2023, 04:26 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Help with improving my fuel economy (Ford Mondeo Zetec 2008 2.0 Petrol 5 speed

*If any of my questions are answered anywhere else, please point me in the right direction, thank you

I've started a job that's actually a bit of a drive (for me in the UK anyway). It takes about an hour to get there if I leave early and miss most traffic. Just over half of the distance is on motorway, about 17 miles. I've been doing 60mph on there cruise control because I almost never have to change speed as the limit is 70. I was going to try 55mph and see how it affects it when I refuel, but so far my MPG is 35.8~. I also do shorter distance driving around town for my other job which is closer, and shopping.

I was wondering how high I could effectively get my MPG if I used other techniques for this car, and what they would be? There's a lot of traffic when I finish work, but I try to miss it by going gym after work and miss maybe half the traffic.

Specific questions would be:

Is it more fuel efficient to speed up to my preferred speed at any point in time and cruise, or slowly speed up?

What's the most optimal speed on a motorway (or RPM), with my car that has 5 gears?

I was going to test different methods each week and refuel on Monday to get a baseline each week.

Thanks in advance.

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