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Old 12-01-2023, 02:05 PM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Location: Telford, UK
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Looks like Telford is somewhat centrally located in the UK. I'd be very inclined to look into an EV if there was easy access to charging at home. The relatively mild winters wouldn't affect range as severely as some of our northern states.

If reliability is among your concerns, EVs are far less complex and need far less maintenance.

Since I wrench on my own vehicles, maintenance and repairs isn't as big of a deal to me, but if I had to pay mechanics to do everything for me, I'd for sure get an EV.
I was having a look at the cost of EV car batteries, and they cost as much as I paid for my car, which makes it seem more expensive than it is I guess, but I was trying to find if theres a calculator to calculate potentisl battery degredation based on frequency and length of use plus time to get an idea of when it'd need to be replaced and how long I'd be willing to go over the average battery life with fewer mileage.

Don't suppose you know if such a calculator exists or at least the maths for it? I imagine though that if they are pretty reliable, when it comes to the general running costs savings, it works itself out in the end.
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