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Old 12-05-2023, 09:36 PM   #57 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by redpoint5 View Post
Wonder if Argentina's economy can be recovered? Anyone thing Venezuela will wake up anytime soon?

Didn't realize Brazil is almost half the size of the US, and it's parked under the equator. Should be plenty of potential there. What does it take to emigrate to Brazil? I still find it odd they don't speak Spanish. Is there any other country in South America that speaks a language other than Spanish?
Well, maybe the Argies will be lucky with Javier Milei, yet I don't hold my breath for Venezuela to recover so fast...

Brazil is once again upside-down, and it might take much long to recover too.

As far as other countries speaking languages other than Spanish, not counting the French Guyana which is not a country at all, Dutch is spoken in Suriname and English is spoken in the Guyana, former British Guyana, but I would rather avoid both Suriname and Guyana. On a sidenote, AFAIK in Paramaribo, capital of Suriname, there is a borough nicknamed Little Belém as many folks from Pará state in Brazil used to immigrate to Suriname, yet nowadays most paraenses seem to prefer moving to Santa Catarina state in Brazil. No wonder a few weeks ago, while talking with a guy who moved from Belém to Florianópolis, I told him it takes me just one day in Florianópolis to talk with as many paraenses it would take me one year to talk in Porto Alegre...
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