'greater effect'
Yes. This phenomena is clearly supported by fact.
With the 'thermal' efficiency of a BEV power-electronics and motor, we end up with the 2nd-Law of Thermodynamics equivalency of an 'ADIABATIC engine', almost 100%.
On paper, and considering rolling-resistance, a 50% drag reduction on the BOLT will yield a 51.1% range improvement at 65-mph, which is what I'll drive at.
AeroStealth tested his 2014 Ford F-150 4X4, 6'-bed EcoBoost for 'speed.'
At 35-mph he gets 32-mpg in the 5,800-lb curb weight pickup, compared to 21-mpg on it's best day on the Interstate.
The velocity-cubed relationship between velocity and power is a real butt-kicker!
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/