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Old 01-15-2024, 02:04 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Claim that underground plumbing cannot go through ground level slab

There are claims that because Texas has soil that flows like a river and because they just plop slabs on a floating rubble foundation there are claims that it isn’t possible to have underground pipe that goes under the slab in a sleeve and pops up somewhere through the foundation as the pipes will break and leak often..

The claim is the pipe must go above ground through the ceiling (which is illegal in many areas for residential)

So what is the proper technique for a flat on grade slab?

A 1940’s era home in this area zone 3 is in an area near the lake with shifting sands is an on grade slab, there is a scalloped area into the foundation near the wall of the home that is on the insulated side and has the pipe going into a below ground pocket , its original, never leaked and it’s very obvious the house has moved and shifted.

So what is the correct way to build for freezing temperatures with an on grade foundation in an area where the homes move significantly each year.

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