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Old 10-25-2008, 12:16 PM   #1 (permalink)
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My MPGuino build - I need help!

I ordered all the parts to make an iDuino MPGuino, all of the stuff came yesterday, but I'm still waiting on the iDuino to get here. So to get through the wait, I thought about where to put this thing in my car. Luckily, the clock for my car is pretty much the perfect size for this LCD.

Here's the normal clock:

And here's with the LCD instead of the clock:

The back:

And the wires from the original clock:

The LCD actually wedges in there, it would probably stay there on it's own, but I'll probably screw it in or something.

The clock is easily removable, it's only clipped in, so you just pull and it comes right out.

The wires leading in are battery, accessory, ground, and something from a taillight relay. I'll use the battery and ground line, and use the other 2 wires for VSS and the injector signal.

There's also a pretty decent amount of space behind the clock in the car, I think I'll definitely be able to fit all the components in there.

The original clock even has 3 buttons, unfortunately they're the type that connect 2 spots on the PCB, but I can still use the holes in the plastic to make it look like it's somewhat stock.

Now I just need the iDuino!


Last edited by McTimson; 11-22-2008 at 11:10 AM..
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