some 'Hammerhaed' noodling
If I start with a Cd 0.10 solar race car, like the 1993 HONDA Dream, and then begin to discount it's streamlining, item -by-item, without finishing, I'm up to Cd 0.335, for:
*lack of body sides camber
*lack of roof camber
*lack of all upper-body edge radii
*probable diffuser flow separation
a 235-count penalty.
I've got a few more things to consider.
In 1993, the #34 WSC finisher, 'Mainichi-Go', had Cd 0.32.
#37 finisher,' Discovery 500' was Cd 0.45.
Both cars look remarkably more 'streamlined than 'Hammerhead.'
Perhaps by Thursday, I'll be able to wrap up my 'guestimation'.
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Last edited by aerohead; 02-05-2024 at 12:01 PM..
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