Originally Posted by redpoint5
I've never owned a personal phone of any kind. By the time I moved away from my folks and started working, landlines were obsolete. I had a work issued pager from age 16 (State of Oregon employee), and cell phones after that. Unfortunately that means I answer all calls since they are usually customers. Even some local customers have cell numbers from the other coast, so an area code 3000 miles away isn't an indicator that I can ignore the call.
That said, I get very little spam or scam calls.
I got my first company cell phone in 2004 and from then until about 4 years ago I didn't have a personal phone except for a few points when I was between jobs. 4 years ago I decided to carry a personal phone for 2 main reasons.
1. Everything done on my company devices is tracked and monitored.
2. If I'm ever deposed for a lawsuit my corporate phone records and usage are fair game for discovery. (It looks like I'll have that joy for the first time here shortly - my wife has been deposed by lawsuits twice - something I have managed to avoid until now)
Ironically most of my spam is easy to identify as I still have the same number from more than a decade ago when I lived in Alabama. If a call has an AL area code it is 100% spam.