Tire pressure and fuel economy RESULTS
I searched through the many many tire threads for this and while I learned more about tires that I ever thought possible I didn't find anything quantifying results of different air pressures (underinflation, overinflation, and hyperinflation). MetroMPG, I read that you were planning to test and post results--did you ever do it?
A little context: I bought low RR tires for my truck and seemed to increase FE on average about 8%, but overinflating (even to just 35 psi) only seems to help the truck ride rougher than it already does. I haven't had the cash to buy a scanguage yet and am determining my FE old school (like the manual recommends): miles driven divided by gallons used. While a good system for an average FE, it isn't so good for showing the effects of small mods like this.
So I'm wondering how much tire pressures are helping anyone else because if the effect is negligable I'm going to put it back to help keep my coffee off my lap!
Last edited by 07b2300; 10-26-2008 at 03:59 PM..