Originally Posted by freebeard
I haven't been listening to Coffee with... so much as Russell Brand.
(my current favorite word) subsidiarity.
He has less of an ego investment than SA, and packs concepts pretty densely together.
It's Russell's favorite word too, I think. He likes all the big words though, which is why it's difficult for me to listen to in the background. Lots of excitement, lots of big words, faster pace... requires attention.
That word is what I'm always on about, distributing authority to the lowest level capable of dealing with that particular issue. What kind of car should I drive isn't a POTUS level question, as an example. Maintaining foreign relations and ensuring a secure border are, however. The more time the executive or legislative branches are spending on deciding what cars or ovens I should be using, the less they are attending to appropriately sized problems meant for those roles.
Russell and Scott's egos are at similar levels; Russell just wears a hippie veneer to conceal it better. Neither egos bother me, as Scott points out, that it's what allows a person to explore the boundaries. It resonates with my boundary exploring nature.