Originally Posted by sgtlethargic
Somehow that "alt hist" channel ended up in my YouTube recommendations. I watched about 10 minutes of one about the next civil war. The young guy (team?) has the talent to make a video, but the things he says are just dumb. For example, he said something like, "Men are either 1 or 10 in that they'll either barely tolerate you or want to kill you."
Scott Adams is fond of saying men are placid and easy-going ....until their not. So, yeah.
redpoint5 -- you might appreciate the new post from Whatifalthist.
A Manifesto for the New Right. He defines New Right as Not Left. It's an interesting call to action. Honor, freedom and truth against degeneracy, lies and tyranny.
At 27:55 the text wall says "Saying science is a successful form of magic makes more sense than it sounds. Magic operates off logically consistent systems that if you follow them let you accomplish great things you would otherwise not be able to. That sounds a lot like the scientific method."
Puts me in mind of alchemy and transmuting elements at room temperature.
I'm not falling for your trolling. And I'm not going on the defensive. You guys are going to have to try to do better. Or not. I don't know if you guys are capable or not.
What exactly is it that we may or may not have to try harder at?