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Old 05-19-2024, 01:29 AM   #981 (permalink)
Isaac Zachary
High Altitude Hybrid
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Originally Posted by JSH View Post

Bottom trim starts at $20K and the top trim at $24K. A compact hatch that people actually want to buy - Chevy just needed to lift it 2 inches

Chevy is selling about 14K Trax a month. Back in 2019 the Sonic sold 14K in a year and the Spark sold 31K.
Looking at the 2024 Trax:
  • Timing belts (yes, it has two) are extremely difficult to replace (must remove all gears with the belts from a small cover from below as it has wet belts and go up into a cavity in the head, so lots of special tools needed to lock the cams and crank in place and to get up in there and remove and reinstall the gears and belts). The good news is that GM says it needs replaced only every 150,000 miles.
  • The plastic swaybar linkage is concerning to me.
  • Parking brake wires are an inch from the rear tires and held by a small plastic clip, another concern.
  • I do love the FM antenna though.
  • I love that it does have a "manual mode." When I first saw the PRNDL on the shifter I was concerned that the "L" was like in other cars that choose everything for you, usually with D being too high and L or B being too low (I'm looking at you, Honda and Nissan). But in this car you can hit + and - buttons to limit the top gear. That would be very handy for engine braking here in the mountains where I live.
  • Oddly the owner's manual first says not to use tire chains, then it says you can use low-profile tire chains. I'm not sure why it's written this way but it is very confusing.
  • Tow rating and spare tire do check my list of things I like.
  • IMO it's too tall. That's of course that as an amateur radio operator I want to be able to use a tall HF antenna on top of the vehicle and also be able to reach it to change it out for other antennas. Not having a trunk also means I'd have to put the VHF antenna on the same ground plane as the HF antenna which isn't ideal. But that's just me.

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