I do find USA pricing for most everything a pain. We don't include sales tax on most things, which is a pain because if I have $5, and the ice cream costs $5, then I don't have enough for the ice cream, which actually might be a good thing.
We just bought some plane tickets, which is another pain. Flat rates don't exist, and we tend to buy tickets for emergencies or at least urgent things that we weren't expecting. So while someone else who had the time to plan ahead got the same flight for $50, we end up paying $500 per person. Then we've even, after all that cost, have ended up being the ones who get denied a flight due to overseating the plane and then end up missing the funeral that weekend.
But it is what it is. I have a passenger van rented for an upcoming weekend this summer, and it is not cheap by any means, over $1,000. But it's cheaper than buying a newish passenger van for those two or three times a year I need one. It is what it is. Maybe one of these days I'll get into the turism business and get a bus to take people to all the pretty sights here in Colorado, that way I'll always have a big vehicle for those occasions. However, there are a lot of unkowns for me on that kind of work. If only the local busing and transport companies paid more than near minimum wage, I'd actually get back into that line of work.