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Old 05-30-2024, 12:30 PM   #10 (permalink)
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' 100-mpg aspiration '

Some consideration:
1) The 1961 Karmann-Ghia was Cd 0.39, and Af 18.793 sq-ft, CdA 7.32927-sq-ft ( 0.68091 m-sq ).
2) The test weight was 2,089-lbs.
30-mph = 56.3 mpg hwy
40-mph = 51.3 mpg
50-mph = 45.4 mpg
60-mph = 39.2 mpg
70-mph = 31.5 mpg
The 1992 GM ULTRALITE, Cd 0.192, at 50-mph = 100 mpg.
* The rolling force coefficient for the early Porsches was Cf 0.020832195
* Bridgestone Ecopias are Cf 0.0055
* The Beetle-based project could compensate for some of the mediocre 'Porsche 356' aerodynamics simply by incorporating the modern Low R-R tires.
The BSFC of the air-cooled engine, from there on out, will determine the CdA you'd have to come up with in order to hit the 100-mpg target.
Figure for a mechanical efficiency of 94% for VW's powertrain to get to your useful horsepower available at the traction interface of the rear tires.
From this 'net' road power, subtract the horsepower absorbed by the tires, leaving what's left for aero.
Knowing this horsepower, and your target road speed, run your drag power formula 'backwards' to solve for the target Road Load Force.
Once you have this, allowing for the dynamic pressure/ air density/ velocity-squared, your target CdA will fall out of the math.
Dividing the CdA by frontal area, yields your target Cd.
Then it's a matter of using 'known-knowns' from the aerodynamic bag-of-tricks reported in the last 102-years to get you to that 100-mpg.
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