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Old 06-14-2024, 10:19 AM   #238 (permalink)
Somewhat crazed
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Aluminum melts at about 1100 degrees F, steel about 2000, stainless up to 3500 depending on how it's alloyed. None of them are fireproof with a plastic or organic core. None of them burn on their own, most don't odidize any faster at temp.

More going on in a car than fire retardance, but they burn pretty well direct from the factory. Probability of an air flow panel causing your vehicle to burn is rather miniscule compared to all the other flammables and explosives in and on the vehicle.

I thought Grenfell was caused by a faulty clothes dryer, but that was back in 2018 when I was there visiting, so thanks for the update.
casual notes from the underground:There are some "experts" out there that in reality don't have a clue as to what they are doing.
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