Originally Posted by freebeard
I like their characterizing a curve as the radius of a hypothetical circle, rather than an angle as with The Template discussions.
The Hugo Award gets the ichthyoid part right.
Road vehicles don't have the luxury of the rocket's fineness ratio, and as 'bluff' bodies 'ARE' limited in the magnitude of all local tangent angles along the aft-body contour, such that they remain incapable of triggering the adverse pressure gradients that cause flow separation.
In addition, 'curves' are aerodynamically inefficient compared to a streamline contour.
I gave you the ROLEX, Big Ben 'template' over a decade ago. It is based on the 'curve' of the dimpled golf ball. It provides a separation-free aft-body, but at the cost of added length, friction drag, weight, etc., compared to the 'template', which performs the same task with the absolute minimum in material.