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Old 07-03-2024, 01:48 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
Know the rule book and know the course.

Our one-time member named slowmover advocated for traveling in the straightest possible line,-- no wandering from side to side, take The Line through corners, route planning, etc.

In an S-bend, hold a constant radius to the midpoint, roll the body, and then hold a constant radius out.
I am studying the rules, and have one or two ideas for "gaming the system". The route is not announced in advance though, so I cannot become familiar with it.

I can understand traveling in the straightest possible line on straights, but I would have thought taking the inside line around corners to reduce distance driven would be better where it is not necessary to take a better line to get round the corner without braking.

Originally Posted by aerohead View Post
1) Will you be alone on the track, or driving close to other vehicles on the course?
2) What is the 'maximum' velocity you're likely to experience?
3) What would your 'average' velocity for each lap around the track be?
4) Does the rulebook allow 'drafting' behind the car ahead?
5) Are 'bald', worn-thin tires allowed?
6) If you're not permitted to 'streamline' the car, can you 'lower' it to the most minimum ground clearance, just short of 'ground strike ?
7) If the car has an 'open' cockpit, like a 'roadster/ spyder', can you wear 'streamlined' apparel, and 'streamlined' helmet?
The competition route will be on the public road with competitors starting at 2 minute intervals. I guess it is possible to catch the previous car or be caught by the following car, but that is probably unlikely. Quite possible to be close to some unsuspecting member of the public though.

I don't know what the fastest average speed requirement will be but the regular speed limits must be obeyed. The speed limit on the fastest road is likely to be 80 Km/h. Possibly 100 Km/h but 80 is more likely I think. Required average speeds must be lower than the speed limit of course.

The competition will not be on a track, but on the public road amongst normal traffic.

The rules I have seen don't specifically mention drafting, but "driving style" will be monitored. I need to find out more about that to check what driving styles might be penalised. It might just be things like stop junctions where it is mandatory to be stationary for 3 seconds.

Tyres have to be road legal and the correct size for the vehicle but there are no other requirements. I currently have quite new tires and had assumed that would be better than worn tires, as the diameter might be slightly greater. Why might worn tires be desirable?

I don't think lowering the car would be allowed. It isn't specifically mentioned but all "aerodynamic changes" are forbidden.

There is no limitation on what the crew wear, but it is a normal saloon car so that is a moot point.
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