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Old 07-11-2024, 04:41 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Well, this one sounds kinda ecomoddery: a 1955 Chevy with a patina finish from Australia with the Thunderstorm Generator[tm] kludged in by two 'alchemical mechanics'.

Plasmoid Chevy | DIY Thunderstorm Generator Retrofit Trials | Cosmic Summit | Independent Home Build

But in fact it's an hour plus of people mumbling under the sound of a running engine about assorted topics. Possibly not worth one's time. You do find out that Malcom Bendall {if that's his real name) is a piece of work. He's fulfilling prophesy or selling books or something.

The takeaway is that two random peeps in Australia cobbled one together and it gets results. Not good results, but a start. Supposedly, doubling the size of the generator (8, 6 and 4 inches) on a 3 inch long feed pipe would allow processing the whole exhaust. It's currently a partial bypass.

And then there's his wooden models, with a clear example at 1:11:33. That is straight up Bucky Fuller's Jitterbug. It embodies the icosahedron, Vector Equilibrium and octahedron, and this is a distorted icosahedron.

Generally his work draws on Victor Shauberger and Fuller, and the Unification Theory of someone else's that he promotes sounds a lot like Terence Howard. Who is also sniffing around the vicinity of Synergetics. But he's a numerist, rattling of numbers sliced and diced, it all comes down to the Earth's diameter and the number ofmiles the Moon travels in a day.

But still.... there's the results at 1:25:57. CO2, CO, HC and NOx all down and Oxygen is up sevenfold.

It's Open Source, I want to see the pieces and parts to put it on a Beetle or Metro engine.
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