Originally Posted by freebeard
Those search results don't confirm or solidify why I don't like him. Hazardous conditions don't bother me when people accept the hazards. The show "Alone" is less safe than regular boring life, but that's acceptable since it's voluntary.
Probably I don't like Mr. Beast lavishing gifts to randos he doesn't know, who possibly have horrific drug addictions only made worse in proportion to helicopter money, who certainly hadn't earned it. Even more, I'm unimpressed by folks who give a portion of other people's money away. I'll give away infinity of other's bucks for a 6% commission. That's not virtue, and it's not interesting.
Helping people requires a relationship, not a video camera, 10 seconds, and a bag of money. What people need isn't money. Money is the output of having fulfilled the other needs - living purposefully, in relationship with others, exercising talents, in humility of the One in which one is employed.
While I will not reject a bag of money thrust into my face, neither will any joy derive from it. Taking that one step further, where is the video of the virtuous person who is given unearned treasure, who then rejects it because it wasn't earned? That's the only Mr. Beast video I'm willing to watch.