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Old 08-25-2024, 01:09 AM   #6 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by CigaR007 View Post
BEV have their applications and it makes sense to scale back production given their limitations.
That's what I often say, BEVs are not really suitable for everyone. And just like so many people don't own a garage to store their cars while not in use, not even an open space in their backyards where they could pull a cord to recharge the battery of an EV at home, the fast-charging stations are no longer so cheaper to use than pumping some conventional fuel

PHEV are more polyvalent IMO.
Even if someone would buy a PHEV only because of a lower taxation, and won't make use of the plug-in capability at all, it's still not so pointless as being forced to buy a BEV and having to search fast-charging stations more frequently than would go to a gas station with a conventional car.
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