1970 PORSCHE 914 GC vs CD
The following were recorded for this car:
220mm GC = Cd 0.3955
210mm GC = Cd 0.3893
200mm GC = Cd 0.3813
190mm GC= approx. Cd 0.374
180mm GC = Cd 0.367
165mm = Cd 0.357
140mm = Cd 0.340
0mm = Cd 0.300
These data points could be entered onto graph paper, ''dots' connected with drafting tools, then different GC 'interpolations' performed graphically from the 'curve' you created.
Photobucket album: http://s1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj622/aerohead2/
Last edited by aerohead; 08-29-2024 at 11:44 AM..
Reason: add data