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Old 09-02-2024, 08:01 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr View Post
I would be more concerned about lube oil contamination, as there would be a shorter timeframe for the water to fully switch to vapour phase, even if it's blended with some alcohol.
Remember that your ICE is burning the Hydrogens in the Hydrocarbon fuel.
ie: It oxidises H very exothermically and 2H2+O2=2H20...

In fact your engine makes about a liter of water for every liter of fuel burned.
So there is always water in the oil.
It boils off, keeping the amount acceptable and it's only when you have a gasket leak or similar issue that the rate of water added overtakes the rate of boil-off...

Then there is my suggestion to add Boric Acid to the water you seem to have glossed over..?
I'll start you off on some research, so you actually want to do more:

"...The above results demonstrate that with a mixture of boric acid [Boric Oxide+water] and an oil lubricant, the friction coefficients are reduced by 10 to over 1000% below those of the unmixed lubricant itself. The wear rates of pins are reduced by factors of 50 to 100 below those of pins tested in unmixed oil itself..."
Dr Ali Erdemir, Argonne National Labs.

It'll take a while, but everyone will eventually realize that I DO NOT make bold, Boric Acid type statements without THOROUGH research!
For Boric; I spent a good month reading the peer reviewed, published research.

(Peer reviewed, published:
If your peers at other universities etc haven't reviewed, optionally verified and whiteballed your paper; you aren't publishing it.
ie: The kind of reading where you know you aren't wasting your time reading BS)

Last edited by Logic; 09-02-2024 at 08:21 AM..
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