Aero bikes always end up going nowhere.
The reason:
They become downright dangerous and the rider either ends up dead, or having narrowly escaped with his life he vows to never get on that 'damn death-trap again!'
There's a good chance that that's what happened here too..?
The reason:
Aero is basically turning the whole frame into wings. Vertical wings..
Now wings are great at producing lift. Ask any aeroplane.
Or when you put them vertical a large amount of sideways force when the wind isn't from directly ahead:
Lets say there's a crosswind a couple of degrees from your left. (up to around 12 deg IIRC)
All those little wings are doing a great job of trying to pull the bike over to the right.
And that's fine; you just lean to the left into the wind.
But now the angle of the wind relative to the wing increases, you lean left more, and... suddenly the angle is too great (past 12 deg IIRC) and the wing stalls = loses it's push to the right, completely and suddenly!
But you're still leaning left. Either you go left, into traffic etc or fall over.
2 Solutions:
1: Make all the little wings weathercock around the original bars.
Now any cross winds affect you less than they affect a normal bike. (Safer)
In fact: If you spring-load them all slightly to want to face forward; any crosswind is turned into a bit of forward thrust for a very slight sideways/toppling force.
No more than you get from the stock round bars and likely still less.
2: So called Whale tubercles on wings increase the angle of attack range in which the wing produces 'lift' (to over 17 deg IIRC)
BUT most importantly;
makes the stall gradual (vs sudden)
That means that you have time react: To correct for all your leaning to the left.
The other thing cyclists vehemently choose to forget (for fear of looking naf/stupid/unlike the other sheep) is that the top (~3rd) of their wheels and tires are moving upwind at twice the speed of of the rest of the bike.
Any aero mudguards always get boo'd at, if not tarred and feathered and chased outa town!
Hopefully that will change thx to the aero work happening on race motorcycles nowadays. But it takes almost zero brainpower to pedal so who knows.