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Old 09-06-2024, 03:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Magneto-Hydrodynamic (MHD) electricity from exhaust

Energy Recovery from Engine Exhaust Using Magneto-Hydrodynamic (MHD)
"...we have fabricated a small device working on MHD
principle, to generate electricity using the engine exhaust

Not much power but NB that the generator is built to be as quick and cheap as possible and very proof of concept. (India! )

There's a LOT of room for easy improvement to the shown design and MHD generators are as efficient as 60%!
That's got the attention of governments with some pilot plants around I think and 1 or 2 full scale plants in Russia IIRC.

I also think they tested it in the wrong place and should have had it further back where the superheated steam in the exhaust had cooled to wet steam:

For some reason there's a charge separation during the formation of water droplets of different sizes that results in a LOT of volts!
Don't believe me; look at a lightning storm!

Also leaky steam in industry has been causing sparks and/or shocking people for so long there's safety regulation written around it.

In one case people steam-cleaning oil tanker tanks managed to cause a deadly explosion!
H2O+HCs+heat does=H2+CO and, in this case, probably CH4s and stuff to boot

So anyway: here's another idea not to experiment with and to talk to death instead.

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