Originally Posted by IsaacCarlson
...The best solution is probably an air dam to reduce pressure under the car, and large louvers to direct the heated air backwards out the bottom of the engine compartment. About as simple as it gets without redesigning the entire car. It works and doesn't take much engineering...
That's exactly what the linked study in the 1st post said.

With some extra info on the under engine/floor duct sizing.
Then I had the idea to duct SOME of the engine compartment air up to the low pressure area at the front of every car's roof, through the A-pillars.
ie; Vacuum it out via the A-pillars!?
The idea here is to kill 2 birds with 1 stone:
Minimise the amount of hot engine compartment air that normally exhausts out under the car
Decrease the lift/vacuum and preferably the drag that exists at the front, top of every car roof.
If you have been looking for ways to minimise the flow of hot engine compartment air out underneath the car, you might put some thought into the idea..?