The "condensing arrangement" down by Fig. 133 is interesting..?
Omit the word "Metal when reading it" and think steam condensation (charge separation = PD) exactly where you'd want it to happen in a er... 'MHD Exhaust'.
Ye; I'm scratching my head too!

What is at what voltage/PD thx to the charge separation in droplet formation??"
What would be electrically insulated from what? Where?? etc.
Lots of research reqd here just to know if its worth researching!
But I do like the potential:
At these steam condensing temperatures std Neodymium Magnets stay magnets.
They don't turn into unmagnetized blobs of near molten metal!
Perhaps its much easier to just use an electrically insulated heat exchanger from an EGR to boil water and jet that through a MHD on a stationary engine for a start.