Originally Posted by aerohead
On the Chevy VOLT, cross-country trek, the engine ran continuously. The battery was essentially 'dead' after 53-miles.
In 'EPA COMBINED' cycle driving, regen may constitute 20% of the total range, as with the BOLT.
For EPA HIGHWAY cycle operation, I have no data.
And the way I drive on the highway, it probably wouldn't resemble the EPA dynamometer cycle.
On the 700+ mile drive from New Mexico to home, the Interstate grades were so gentle, I observed regen only 'twice.'
Many unknowns! 

The 'new 'Chevy' asks where you're going, how fast you want to get there

and if you will be able to plug in on arrival and for how long.
Looks at a map:
" Hmmm... towns n robots here gives us around ?? kwh of regen and the downhills here, here and here... so we need xyz kwh to get there, the battery's been plugged in? so we're engine on for ???km of the trip.
Best place to be on to help with battery amp draw is here here and here.
Did I miss anything?"
Direct drive on the flat bits.
We're in a hurry.
What the hell did you put that on for!?
"Because you're always ..'late!' and you forgot to plug me in again!"

Why didn't you remind me!?
"Because you muted me again! you horrible sh "