Originally Posted by aerohead
The attached longitudinal vortices are symptomatic of separated flow, just like turbulence. And like turbulence, once you have it, it cannot be 'mended.'
All you can do is 'avoid' it, or 'minimize' it.
An 'all-soft', radiused tail would 'avoid' it, but that conflicts with the 'door' situation, if I'm understanding things properly.
The only tool available for 'minimizing' it, is, to keep the slant angles 'small', as the vorticity grows 'geometrically' with increased slant angle. Very non-linear. 
I am going on a 1500 mile drive beginning Thursday (Black Hills SD). I needed to settle on a configuration. I just rounded the top corners today. Took all day. I used 16" diameter concrete forming tubes. Very short term experiment as they will weaken if rained on. I may have time do do the lower corners by mid day Thursday, but it would not be full length, only blending from a corner to an 8" radius over the last 24" of length.