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Old 11-02-2024, 02:00 PM   #556 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by JSH View Post
There is an interesting book call "Old Man on a Bike" about a many in his 70s that decided to buy a Honda Cargo 125 "Pizza Bike" in Mexico and ride it to the bottom of South America. The follow up book is "Old Men Can't Wait" about him riding a different small back north.
Not sure if those books were ever translated to Portuguese or available here

The author very correctly decided that a small bike that is sold all over the region he was going to be riding would be: cheaper to buy, cheaper to run, easier to handle at his age, and able to be repaired by any mechanic he could find.
That was a very good point.

A very different perspective than most long distance riders from Europe that bring a big foreign bike and then have to have every little thing like even tires or tubes special ordered and shipped in for their journey.
Even some locals often get larger motorcycles for their road trips, yet at one moment or another there will be someone on a CG 125 coming to the rescue.
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