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Old 11-14-2024, 02:07 PM   #94 (permalink)
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'have you................?'

Originally Posted by Logic View Post
I on the other hand
Put in in an engine that was at deaths door to actually test it and saw dramatic positive improvements.
Based on that I put it in a good number of other engines. All with extremely positive results.

Have you made any observations based on direct action/testing of the substance at issue?
Any at all?

Do YOU read everything I write?
With the intent to understand what I am trying to say..?

I posted about the layer of aluminum oxide that forms fast on aluminum as an EXAMPLE of how ceramic layers of other types do form on metal surfaces and act as a barrier.
You jumped on that with great glee, thinking I'd just committed a faux pas you could triumphantly ride over the finish line.

I assume your rep here is almost as important to you as your seeming want to always be right about everything.
So you might consider how that (just one example) looks to others who do in fact read, comprehend and assimilate whats written here and thus pick up on YOUR faux pas.
How likely is anyone actually READING that to take anything you say seriously in the future??
Have you considered the possibility that few if any do... but know better than to wast time and energy saying anything..?

As for myself;
I feel that reading the OPINIONS of someone seemingly INCAPABLE (for whatever reason) of reading and comprehending what I (and many others here) have written counterproductive.
1) I don't need to!
2) When you know as much as I know, you know that the claims cannot stand up to scientific scrutiny.
3) It would be 'folly' to duplicate ( oxymoron ) your 'tests.' You never performed any that had any scientific rigor in the first place that I can tell.
4) Wait until you find out how 'actual real world automotive testing' is performed, then you'll understand where I'm coming from.
5) I'm poised to conduct the precursor science to Dr. Erdemir's test, which left out all the 'conditions, caveats, and context to his work.
6) Yes, I've read your comments. They're not germane to automotive lubrication systems.
7) And could cost members and guests ninety-three million Dollars in losses!
8) US President, Abraham Lincoln once said, ' To know and not tell, makes cowards of men.' I'm 'cursed' with certain knowledge that makes it my civic obligation to intercede when I observe certain things. It's that simple. I'll take anyone to task, including PhDs.
9) I'm just the 'messenger.' If one is compelled to pour 'water' into a $14,000 engine and ruin it, there's no stopping them. It won't be on me.
I'm out of time, I'll be back on Saturday.
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