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Old 12-12-2024, 06:04 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jclars View Post
During the down times waiting for electrical components (pay as you go?), I spent time on conventional restoration tasks that would produce a clean smooth body for the drivetrain to push! Most times on my projects I spend as much time doing this work as I do on the mechanical, On this project it was more or less a diversion hat had to be done.

Because of the hurry up and wait approach, I ended up doing the overall paint job in about 5 segments. Okay, I admit, at my age even a small car like this took small bites to conserve my energy. There's a reason bodywork and paint jobs cost so much - very labor intensive.

1. paint dash+new pad and paint car interior
2. paint roof, lids and front cowl to trim line
3. paint rear half of car
4. paint doors
5. paint front of car
If one has panel beated cars you develop a feel for just how good and true the surface preparation under the top coat is from looking at the reflections in the shiny paint.

Paint is nothing; it's all about said undercoat preparation !

This here is an excellent job from what I can tell from the pics. (One has to be there to really tell)
Very well done jclars!
Few here will appreciate the effort and.. 'knack' for sanding in a 'cross hatch' pattern with long sanding blocks (not those rubber things) that went into this spray job.

Is that 2K paint? Or the original 'period' Duco that was used at the time of manufacture?
The shine says 2K to me, unless there was a whole lot of hand polishing? (after flatting?)
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