Well aerohead, we'll start with the simpler and most do-able mods first!
I just got the truck back with a new fuel tank, and filled it up, ready to start checking MPG. Drove around a fair amount today with the new bluetooth to phone/Torque app, and did my usual routes up and down mountain, some shopping, and some 65 mph highway driving, all in mid 30's temps, and a fair amount of gusty wind.
This is obviously a poorly tested baseline, but Torque was saying that the total today added up to 17.9 mpg avg. Which surprised me, since I thought it would be lower. Obviously more extensive and rigorous testing might change that.
I did change the oil and filter before driving. Went with Penzoil 5W-20 Platinum High Mileage synthetic. Before that it had whatever the oil change place put into it @ 5W-30. Probably not synthetic.
I think I was getting 16-1/2 mpg avg before.
Well anyway, apologies...I'm straying out of the Aerodynamics topic here again.
Looking forward to deleting that sun shade above the windshield and running the same routes. And after that a partial tonneau.
Last edited by vteco; 12-12-2024 at 04:25 PM..
Reason: Checked past records -- ~16-1/2 avg