I didn't have trouble installing the JET software on Win7. I received version 2.32. Your reference is to an earlier version.
I also don't think it reflects poorly on Summit Racing, since they immediately accepted it for return. The problem was with incorrect parameter(s) shown by the editor.
There are free software PCM readers, and editors available. However, not for the GM "black box" PCM on a '96 Silverado. Only the JET programmer was suitable. It contains both a hardware dongle, and the software.
Free software editors and programmers do work on later PCM's such as the 0411.
It is possible to swap an 0411 for the present black box PCM in my truck, but it's non-trivial re. wiring, and the PCM would require firmware parameter changes.
Besides the software and PCM swap, a hardware interface/dongle is required that can write to the OBDII port in the truck.
Despite the complexity, I'm pretty sure that is the route I'm going to go down now, and I'm researching all the pieces of the puzzle to make sure it is what I want to do.
The present tentative plan is to use TunerPro as the editor, and PCMHammer as the programmer. Both are free but TunerPro at least is not open source.
The dongle would be an OBDX Pro VT which is far more reasonable in cost than JET was, and works with PCMHammer. Also this combination would be usable without any licensing restrictions re. the number of different PCMs you can program.